====== Actor properties ======
ACSUtils provides wrapper functions for all actor properties. For every property ''**PropertyName**'', ACSUtils provides two functions:
''type GetActor**PropertyName**(int tid)''
''void SetActor**PropertyName**(int tid, type value)''
The only exception is that [[zdoom>GetActorViewHeight]] is a native ZDoom function that takes crouching into account. To access the actual value of the ViewHeight property, use ''GetActorProperty(tid, APROP_ViewHeight)''.
===== Network optimization =====
All ''SetActor**PropertyName**'' functions first call [[zdoom>GetActorProperty]] and compare the new value of the property to the current one. If both values are the same, [[zdoom>SetActorProperty]] is **not** called. This automatically optimizes bandwidth use in Zandronum multiplayer.
function void SetActorHealth(int tid, int Health)
if (GetActorProperty(tid, APROP_Health) != Health)
SetActorProperty(tid, APROP_Health, Health);
Some actor properties are optimized by zandronum itself. However, the set of optimized actor properties depends on zandronum version, and not all actor properties are currently optimized (https://zandronum.com/tracker/view.php?id=1609).
All string properties are compared in a case-insensitive way before being set. This means, for example, that ''%%SetActorNameTag(0, "Thing")%%'' will not call ''SetActorProperty'' if the **NameTag** property is already set to ''%%"thing"%%''.
===== List of all properties =====
^ type ^ Name ^
| int | Accuracy |
| str | ActiveSound |
| fixed | Alpha |
| bool | Ambush |
| str | AttackSound |
| fixed | AttackZOffset |
| bool | ChaseGoal |
| int | Damage |
| fixed | DamageFactor |
| fixed | DamageMultiplier |
| str | DamageType |
| str | DeathSound |
| bool | Dormant |
| bool | Dropped |
| fixed | Friction |
| bool | Friendly |
| bool | Frightened |
| fixed | Gravity |
| int | Health |
| fixed | Height |
| bool | Invulnerable |
| fixed | JumpZ |
| int | Mass |
| int | MasterTID |
| fixed | MaxDropOffHeight |
| fixed | MaxStepHeight |
| fixed | MeleeRange |
| str | Nametag |
| bool | NoTarget |
| bool | NoTrigger |
| str | PainSound |
| fixed | Radius |
| int | ReactionTime |
| int | RenderStyle |
| fixed | ScaleX |
| fixed | ScaleY |
| int | Score |
| str | SeeSound |
| int | SpawnHealth |
| str | Species |
| fixed | Speed |
| int | Stamina |
| int | StencilColor |
| int | TargetTID |
| int | TracerTID |
| fixed | ViewHeight |
| int | Waterlevel |