====== cond ======
{{tag>math acs_enhancements}}
''any cond(bool condition, any a, any b)''
[[:types|any - any type (int, fixed or str)]]
===== Description =====
If condition is true, returns a. Otherwise, returns b.
It simulates the ''?:'' operator from C.
Both a and b are evaluated. Do not do this:
int y = cond(x, DoSomething(), DoSomethingElse())
as both ''DoSomething()'' and ''DoSomethingElse()'' will be called.
If you are using [[:BCC]] or [[:GDCC]], it is recommended to use the real ''?:'' operator instead, which is not subject to this problem.
===== Examples =====
cond(true, A, B) -> A
cond(false, A, B) -> B
Without cond():
int color = CR_RED;
if (PlayerTeam() == TEAM_BLUE)
color = CR_BLUE;
With cond():
DrawSomething(cond(PlayerTeam() == TEAM_BLUE, CR_BLUE, CR_RED));