====== PackShorts ======
''int PackShorts(int short1, int short2)''
===== Description =====
Packs two short integers (-32768 to 32767) into one integer and returns the result.
The packed values can be retrieved using [[UnpackShortX]].
It is intended to be used to pass more than 3 or 4 arguments to a script if the range of the values is small.
You can also pack individual bytes (0 to 256) using [[PackBytes]].
If you need more extreme packing, you should code it yourself.
===== Examples =====
int packed = PackShorts(12345, -15000);
UnpackShort1(packed) -> 12345
UnpackShort2(packed) -> -15000
Passing a 2D actor position to a script:
function void SomeFunction(void)
// Pack rounded 2D actor position into a single integer.
int pos = PackShorts(GetActorX(0)>>16, GetActorY(0)>>16);
ACS_ExecuteAlways(somescript, 0, stuff1, stuff2, pos);
script somescript (int stuff1, int stuff2, int pos)
// Extract actor position
int x = UnpackShort1(pos);
int y = UnpackShort2(pos);