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functions:hudlib [2016/05/07 16:28] – [HudDrawText] korshunfunctions:hudlib [2017/06/12 18:36] (current) – removed korshun
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-====== Hudlib ====== 
-Hudlib is an advanced wrapper for [[zdoom>HudMessage]] that supports scaling and 3D messages. It features an OpenGL-style API instead of making one function take ten parameters. 
-Hudlib is based around the concept of **render state**, a render state is a collection of all current rendering settings that are taken into account when drawing a message. 
-Only drawing functions actually draw stuff. All other functions only manipulate render state. 
-===== Virtual screen size ===== 
-These functions replace ''[[zdoom>SetHudSize]]''. They work exactly the same, but hudlib needs to wrap ''SetHudSize'' for message scaling. 
-<note important>The virtual screen size does **not** affect the size of **distance-scaled** 3D messages.</note> 
-==== HudSetVirtualSize ==== 
-''void HudSetVirtualSize(fixed width, fixed height)'' 
-Sets the virtual screen size to the given dimensions. The default size is 640x480. This works exactly like ''SetHudSize''. 
-==== HudUseRealSize ==== 
-''void HudUseRealSize()'' 
-Sets the virtual screen size to match the real size. This allows you to draw messages with 1:1 scale between real and virtual pixels. 
-==== HudUseDefaultSize ==== 
-''void HudUseDefaultSize()'' 
-Sets the virtual screen size to 640x480. 
-==== HudSetExcludeStatusBar ==== 
-''void HudSetExcludeStatusBar(bool exclude)'' 
-Controls whether the statusbar area should be included into the virtual screen. This corresponds to the third parameter of ''[[zdoom>SetHudSize]]'' 
-===== 2D positioning ===== 
-Before drawing a 2D message, you need to set its position. 
-==== HudSetPoint ==== 
-''void HudSetPoint(fixed x, fixed y)'' 
-Sets the position at which the messages will be drawn. 
-===== Drawing ===== 
-==== HudDrawImage ==== 
-''void HudDrawImage(int id, str image)'' 
-Draws the specified image at the previously set point using the given HudMessage ID. 
-The point of the image that will be positioned (its origin) is determined by the image's sprite offsets. 
-==== HudDrawText ==== 
-''void HudDrawText(int id, str text)'' 
-Draws the specified text at the previously set point using the given HudMessage ID. 
-The point of the text message that will positioned (its origin) is determined by ''HudSetTextOrigin''. 
-===== Scaling ===== 
-==== HudSetScale ==== 
-''void HudSetScale(fixed scale)'' 
-Sets the message scale. 
-Default: 1.0. 
-==== HudSetScaleXY ==== 
-''void HudSetScaleXY(fixed scaleX, fixed scaleY)'' 
-Sets the horizontal and vertical scale. 
-==== HudSetInvScale ==== 
-''void HudSetInvScale(fixed invScale)'' 
-Sets the message scale from a 1 / scale value. 
-<note>1 / scale = distance</note> 
-==== HudSetInvScaleXY ==== 
-''void HudSetInvScaleXY(fixed invScaleX, fixed invScaleY)'' 
-Sets the horizontal and vertical scale from 1 / scale values. 
-===== Fading ===== 
-Default message stay time is unlimited. 
-==== HudSetAppearTime ==== 
-''void HudSetAppearTime(fixed time)'' 
-Sets the duration of the fade-in animation of the message in seconds. 0 means that messages will appear instantly. 
-Default: 0. 
-<note important>When drawing text in typeon mode, this functions sets the appear time **per letter**. It will take appearTime * numLetters seconds to fully draw the message.</note> 
-==== HudSetStayTime ==== 
-''void HudSetStayTime(fixed time)'' 
-Sets the amount of time to wait between appearing and disappearing. 0 means that the disappearing animation will start instantly after the appear animation. ''HUD_STAYTIME_UNLIMITED'' means that the message will stay until removed by another HudMessage with the same id. 
-<note important>Messages with ''HUD_STAYTIME_UNLIMITED'' will only stay for 9 hours, because this greatly simplifies the implementation.</note> 
-==== HudSetDisappearTime ==== 
-''void HudSetDisappearTime(fixed time)'' 
-Sets the duration of the fade-in animation of the message in seconds. 0 means that messages will disappear instantly. 
-Default: 0. 
-===== Translucency ===== 
-<note important>Translucent HudMessages are not supported in Zandronum.</note> 
-==== HudSetBlendStyle ==== 
-''void HudSetBlendStyle(int blendStyle)'' 
-Sets the blending style of the message. Available blending styles: 
-  * ''HUD_BLENDSTYLE_NORMAL'' -- normal alpha blending 
-  * ''HUD_BLENDSTYLE_ADDITIVE'' -- additive blending 
-==== HudSetAlpha ==== 
-''void HudSetAlpha(fixed alpha)'' 
-Sets the alpha of the message. 
-Default: 1.0. 
-===== Text settings ===== 
-==== HudSetFont ==== 
-''void HudSetFont(str font)'' 
-Sets the font to use when drawing text. 
-Default: SMALLFONT. 
-==== HudSetCenterText ==== 
-''void HudSetCenterText(bool center)'' 
-If set to true, centers the text in the box before drawing. Otherwise, justifies it to the left edge of the box. 
-==== HudSetTextColor ==== 
-''void HudSetTextColor(int color)'' 
-Sets the font color to use when drawing text. For the list of available colors see [[zdoom>HudMessage]]. 
-==== HudSetTextColorString ==== 
-''void HudSetTextColorString(str colorName)'' 
-Sets the font color to use when drawing text. The color must be one the colors defined in the [[zdoom>TEXTCOLO]] lump. 
-==== HudSetTextTypeOn ==== 
-''void HudSetTextTypeOn(bool typeOn)'' 
-If set to the, the text will use a typeon appear animation instead of a fade-in animation. 
-<note important>''HudSetAppearTime'' sets the appear time **per-letter** when typeon animation is used.</note> 
-==== HudSetTextOrigin ==== 
-''void HudSetTextOrigin(fixed originX, fixed originY)'' 
-==== HudSetTextOriginX ==== 
-''void HudSetTextOriginX(fixed originX)'' 
-==== HudSetTextOriginY ==== 
-''void HudSetTextOriginY(fixed originY)'' 
-==== HudSetLogMessage ==== 
-''void HudSetLogMessage(bool log)'' 
-==== HudSetWordWrap ==== 
-''void HudSetWordWrap(bool wrap)'' 
-===== Visibility ===== 
-==== HudSetShowToEveryone ==== 
-''void HudSetShowToEveryone(bool showToEveryone)'' 
-==== HudSetLayer ==== 
-''void HudSetLayer(int layer)'' 
-==== HudSetShowIn3DView ==== 
-''void HudSetShowIn3DView(bool showIn3DView)'' 
-==== HudSetShowOnFullAutomap ==== 
-''void HudSetShowOnFullAutomap(bool showOnFullAutomap)'' 
-==== HudSetShowOnOverlayAutomap ==== 
-''void HudSetShowOnOverlayAutomap(bool showOnOverlayAutomap)'' 
-===== 3D Camera position ===== 
-Default camera position is (0, 0, 0). 
-Default camera direction is the world X axis. 
-==== HudSetCameraActor ==== 
-''void HudSetCameraActor(int tid)'' 
-==== HudSetCameraActorAdvanced ==== 
-''void HudSetCameraActor(int tid, fixed offsetX, fixed offsetY, fixed offsetZ, int flags)'' 
-===== 3D Message position ===== 
-Default camera position is (0, 0, 0). 
-Default 2D offset for 3D messages is (0, 0). 
-There is no default 3D position as messages are drawn in 2D by default. 
-==== HudSetPoint3D ==== 
-''void HudSetPoint3D(fixed x, fixed y, fixed z)'' 
-==== HudSetPointActor ==== 
-''void HudSetPointActor(int tid, fixed offsetX, fixed offsetY, fixed offsetZ)'' 
-==== HudSet2DOffset ==== 
-''void HudSet2DOffset(fixed x, fixed y)'' 
-===== 3D Distance ===== 
-Automatic distance scaling is OFF by default. 
-==== HudSetAutoDistanceScale ==== 
-''void HudSetAutoDistanceScale(bool autoDistanceScale)'' 
-==== HudGetDistance ==== 
-''fixed HudGetDistance()'' 
-===== State management ===== 
-==== HudResetState ==== 
-''void HudResetState()'' 
-Resets hudlib render state to default. 
-<note>This doesn't delete any states saved with ''HudPushState''.</note> 
-==== HudPushState ==== 
-''void HudPushState()'' 
-Saves the current render state to a stack. 
-==== HudPopState ==== 
-''void HudPopState()'' 
-Restores the previous saved render state from the stack. 
-==== HudClearStateStack ==== 
-''void HudClearStateStack()'' 
-Deletes all saved render states. 