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Widescreen support functions


int GetAspectRatio()

Returns the aspect ratio that ZDoom is currently using for HudMessages.

  • ASPECT_4_3
  • ASPECT_16_9
  • ASPECT_16_10
  • ASPECT_17_10
  • ASPECT_5_4

Hud boundaries

fixed HudLeftFor (fixed width)

fixed HudRightFor (fixed width)

fixed HudTopFor (fixed height)

fixed HudBottomFor(fixed height)

Return the boundaries of the screen for the given virtual width or height, accounting for current aspect ratio. Equivalent to adding or subtracting a hud border manually.

Hud borders

fixed HudBorderXFor (fixed width)

fixed HudBorderYFor (fixed width)

Return hud borders for the given virtual width or height.

functions/widescreen.1476613336.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2016/10/16 13:22 by korshun