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Renderer identification


You can identify whether the software or OpenGL renderer is currently being used by calling IsOpenGL.

Things not to do:
  • don't just check GetCVar(“vid_renderer”) – the user may also have gl_nogl set to true.
  • don't just check for vid_renderer and gl_nogl – the user may be playing in ZDoom, which doesn't have the OpenGL renderer.
  • don't just use IsGZDoom and assume that if the engine is GZDoom, the user is playing in OpenGL renderer.
  • don't store the value of IsOpenGL in a variable – the renderer can change mid-game.
  • don't check the renderer serverside – the server has no renderer.


bool IsOpenGL() – returns true if the mod is being played in the OpenGL renederer, false if software renderer.

The renderer can change mid-game. Don't store the result of IsOpenGL in a variable. Instead, simply call it every time.
renderer_identification.1566778676.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/08/26 00:17 by korshun