ACSUtils Wiki

An ACS library for ZDoom-based ports

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Welcome to the ACSUtils Wiki

ACSUtils is a big ACS library for Zandronum modding fully compatible with Zandronum 3.0 and (G)ZDoom >=1.8.6, and the three major ACS compilers – ACC, BCC and GDCC.

A BCC-exclusive version called BCSUtils that takes advantage of BCC is available.



ACSUtils is licensed under the MIT license and is developed by the following authors:

  • Korshun
  • DjSkaarj
  • Monsterovich
  • TechnoDoomed1
  • FusedQyou

GitHub – contributions are welcome.

If you think that a function can be useful for other projects, don't hesitate to suggest it.

start.1562422108.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/06 14:08 by monsterovich